Reflection from the Executive Director: Minnesotans are United

The thing I love about Minnesotans is that everyone has a favorite green space—whether it’s a neighborhood park, a lake for fishing, a cabin in the woods, or a birding spot.

No matter what or where that place is, we are united around our love of Minnesota’s outdoors.

It’s one of the things I love about Great River Greening, too. Our work brings people together around the common goal of ensuring that healthy, climate-resilient landscapes are here in Minnesota for decades to come.

A recent article in The Hill by National Audubon Society CEO Elizabeth Gray, highlights the fact that the majority of people in the US recognize climate change as a real threat and want to ensure we are doing everything we can to ensure healthy ecosystems for future generations.

She also found:

  • 70% of Americans across party lines believe that global warming is happening and will harm future generations

  • 72% of Americans support the regulation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant

  • 89% of Republicans and 91% of Democrats support nature-based solutions like planting trees to absorb carbon emissions

We are moving beyond climate change as a polarizing issue and moving forward with the understanding that we need to act to protect our natural spaces, and expanding our understanding of nature is a critical component of that solution.

Great River Greening is proud to be a leader in nature-based climate solutions through land-restorations of all kinds.

Our team of ecologists works with folks in the cities, suburbs, rural communities, and farmers to support their goals in creating resilient ecosystems. We look forward to continuing these partnerships and expanding our impact across the state.

All to ensure healthy, resilient, green spaces for decades to come.

Contributors: Kateri Routh.

Photo Credits: Woodpecker on a tree (Kateri Routh).


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