Great River Greening

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Event Photographer Volunteer Description

Great River Greening is an environmental nonprofit that is committed conserving and caring for the land and water that enrich our lives. For more than 20 years, we have inspired, engaged and led local communities across Minnesota in community-based restoration of our prairies, forests, and waters. Shirtsleeves rolled, dirt under our nails, we have worked alongside 37,000 volunteers, planting 400,000 trees, grasses, and flowers in 15,000 acres throughout the state.We are seeking individuals who are passionate about the environment and photography who can commit to a few weekends spring and/or fall and help us tell our story in pictures. Photographers use their own equipment. Previous experience is preferred but not required.Events include:

  • Volunteer restoration, with 100s of people, rain or shine, planting or hauling invasive buckthorn and other shrubs. Restoration events are transformative moments for the community to restore the natural beauty of our landscapes.
  •  Science Area Teen Network classes
  • Annual fundraising Gala and Business Forum

The Great River Greening story is one of communities coming together, of all ages and abilities, to restore the beauty of our natural heritage. Our events are transformative moments. People are learning stewardship and having fun doing this important work.A variety of shots is desired: Close-ups and wide-angles, verticals and horizontals. People smiling and in action. Some possibilities:

  • Staff and/or volunteer supervisors working with volunteers.
  • Family and friends groups
  • Parent/child moments
  •  Volunteers utilizing tools or engaged in specific tasks
  • Nature close-up and wide angle shots of the landscape
  • Before and after
  • Diversity of ages and races, with an emphasis on children and teens

Contact:Mary Anne Welch, Communications Manager Great River Greening651-272-3999 or mwelch@greatrivergreening.orgUse Agreement:Great River Greening will publish your images online and in print, for public relations and in fundraising materials, but not for profit.We will add a photo credit, if you wish. High resolution, digital is requested. Photos can be sent ftp via Drop Box or by mailing a flash drive or disk to 251 Starkey Street, Suite 2200, Saint Paul 55107