Great River Greening

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Shoring up water quality

Shoreline restoration demonstrates techniques landowners can apply to their lakeshores

This spring, Great River Greening is partnering with Scott County and Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD) to install a variety of shoreline restoration methods, such as "willow wattles," bio-logs, and planting native wetland grasses that will promote a natural plant barrier to phosphorus runoff.wattlesbank

”This event aims to give lakeshore property owners hands-on experience and the tools they need to restore their own shorelines.” -Maggie Karschnia, PLSLWD Water Resources Project Manager

"The trick to stabilizing a shoreline is to get plants to first root. This is especially difficult on steep shore banks."-Steve Thomforde, Great River Greening Ecologist

Willow wattles? Bio-logs?

willow_wattlesbio_shorelineSpring Lake from Raymond ParkSpring Lake Regional Park 2010Spring Lake Regional Park

This project is made possible with support from Scott County, Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District, MN DNR Aquatic Habitat Program, Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Fund, Cargill, and Scott County in partnership with Three Rivers Park District.