Great River Greening

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Volunteer Photographer for Events

Volunteer Photographers help tell the Great River Greening story by capturing the joy, wonder, and physical workout that our volunteers experience when they spend the day helping restore our land and water.

Becoming a volunteer photographer is a great opportunity for:• People with photography skills who love being outdoors and in the elements.• Individuals who enjoy working with diverse groups of children and adults• Photography enthusiasts, students and professionals who are looking to build their portfolios or just shoot just for fun• Individuals who care about the environment and want to make a lasting impactWe ask you to use your own camera, and spend a few hours at the event. Great River Greening will publish your images online and in print, for public relations and in fundraising materials, but not for profit. We will add a photo credit, if you wish.  High resolution, digital is requested.

Photograph our Fall 2018 Events!

Public events are generally larger events and are open to the general public, meaning that there could be a wide range of ages and audiences that a supervisor could work with - from corporate groups, to schools, to families, to individuals.Private events vary in size and are open to one audience - typically corporate employees. Often, sites used for private groups are different from those chosen for public events in the same season, so they can be a great opportunity to visit new Greening sitesField Learning for Teens events are geared toward getting teenage students outside to get their hands dirty and learn about the importance of natural spaces.

Arbor Day Woodland Restoration with 3M

Valley Park, Mendota HeightsFriday, April 27, 12:30p to 4:00p

  • 3M employees and their families will bust some buckthorn and garlic mustard and plant native grasses and forbs into the cleared spaces.

 Feature Photo: