2016 Business Forum at McNamara Alumni Center

 The 2016 Business Forum is fast approaching, so don’t forget to buy your tickets.The event will be held at the McNamara Alumni Center, a building designed with the Minnesota landscape in mind. In 1996, the University of Minnesota staff chose Antoine Predock, a world-renowned architect to design what would become the McNamara Alumni Center. Predock saw the beauty in Minnesota’s natural properties and uniquely built and designed the building to echo many of its pride and joys. The 10,000 lakes, extensive prairies, northern lights, and even the North Shore is represented by or within its walls. Both the design and materials used were chosen to mirror the state it lives within.Because of its great history and representation, the McNamara was the obvious choice for the Great River Greening Business Forum. This year, Dave St. Peter, President of the Minnesota Twins will be discussing environmentally conscious decisions within business and Rick Kupchella will lead a Q&A. This is an event you won’t want to miss so reserve your seat today.[su_button url="https://www.greatrivergreening.org/2016-business-forum/" background="#70a087" color="#ffffff"]BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY[/su_button]


Seven Mile Creek stakeholders identify actions to improve water quality


Million Milkweed Seed Collection 101: Common Milkweed