Make A Donation

Why donate?

Your donation directly supports our work to restore and sustainably manage land throughout the state. This generous support has allowed Great River Greening to make significant strides in our land restoration initiatives (now across 50,000 acres of Minnesota and counting!), contributing to tangible improvements in water quality across the state.

What your donation supports?

When you make a one-time donation or become a sustaining member, you play a direct role in our tangible, hands-on restoration efforts. Here are just a few examples of the kind of work your support makes possible:

More Way to Donate

Choose an option that works for you.

  • Gifts of securities can be made by contacting Michelle Lian-Anderson.

  • You can designate your contribution to Great River Greening by writing us in on your pledge form. Contact your employer’s giving campaign coordinator for more information on how to direct your gift.

  • Donations of goods and services are another way to help Great River Greening restore the Minnesota’s lands and waters. Just like with cash contributions, the value of these in-kind donations is tax-deductible. Please fill out the following form.

  • By including Great River Greening in your will or estate plans, you help protect Minnesota’s natural heritage for future generations. Contact Michelle Lian-Anderson with questions or to pledge a planned gift. to discuss planned giving, please contact Michelle Lian-Anderson.

  • Great River Greening is uniquely positioned to support organizations throughout Minnesota in meeting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. We offer partnerships that are impact-focused, collaborative, and transparent. Learn more.

Give with Confidence

Great River Greening is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Financial contributions and gifts in-kind are tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers.

Due to our exceptional financial practices and transparency, Great River Greening has earned the highest possible ratings from Charities Review Council and Charity Navigator.