Building partnership for greater stewardship

Thanks to our friends and supporters, in 2011, Greening increased the scope of our impact, achieving more diverse conservation results, reaching new audiences, and restoring twice as many acres as all other years combined. Our conservation programs, detailed below, demonstrate our growing leadership in conservation partnerships throughout the greater Twin Cities and beyond.Among the highlights of the year were the awarding of major grants towards Greening's five-year Campaign for Forests and Freshwaters, targeting water quality improvements in urban and agricultural watersheds; a significant push to restoration work in the Anoka Sand Plain ecological region of Central Minnesota; the start of a new partnership along the Rum River, the first of several Wild & Scenic Rivers that will be targeted in coming years; and the completion of another year of volunteer involvement of 2,000 volunteers.


January restoration events


New board member helps to grow Greening's strong finance committee