No Mow May: What’s the Buzz?
You may have noticed that your neighbors’ lawns are getting a little... what’s the word? ... LONG. Or perhaps you’ve started to see “No Mow May” signs pop up around the neighborhood.
So, what’s going on with people not mowing their lawns?
No Mow May is an initiative to protect pollinators by giving their habitat (like grasses and flowers) a chance to grow. By not cutting your grass, plants like daisies, clover, dandelions, and violets are able to grow big enough to flower. The pollen and nectar from these flowers provides food to our pollinator friends. Pollinators, including butterflies, bees, and moths, have experienced population declines in recent years—and they need our help.
No Mow May is an easy way to pitch in—by doing nothing!
Bee sure to check your local regulations about lawn mowing, or to see if your city is participating in No Mow May. Check out these links for more information:
Want to participate?
Download our No Mow May sign, place it in your yard, and enjoy the good work you’re doing for our pollinators.
Contributors: Julie Baumeister
Photo Credits: Bee on Purple Prairie Clover (Becca Tucker)