Great River Greening Site Monitor

Turn your nature walks into a conservation adventure

Great River Greening has worked at hundreds of sites. But we need community help to manage these natural areas. Your eyes can help us keep these sites beautiful.Job DescriptionWhat is a Site Monitor?Site monitor volunteers observe and track the health of a natural area where Great River Greening has managed an environmental restoration. Examples include parks, forests, wetland and prairies, most within the Seven County Metro Area.The Site Monitor program provides volunteers the opportunity for deeper engagement with our conservation activities. No experience is necessary. On-site training and electronic materials will be provided. Site Monitors commit to visiting a selected site once a month during the growing season (April – November). They survey vegetation and report assessments to a staff ecologist. Great River Greening will use the valuable data to conduct and make decisions on long-term management in natural areas.How do I apply?Anyone 16 years or older that meets the requirements is welcome to apply.  Fill out the application below and our Outreach Coordinator will contact you to schedule a meeting and assign a natural area to monitor. Free on-site training is provided and required. Time commitment is four hours. Jul– Nov, with bi-weekly check-ins, via phone and email.

The Site Monitor Program is currently filled and there is a waitlist. Please email May Yang, Community Outreach Coordinator, if you are interested in the program at or call 651-272-3993.


St. Peter Herald Volunteers at Seven Mile Creek preserve banks of creek


Habitats & Honeybees