Field Day in St. Peter investigates the benefits of crop cover interseeding

Farmers who use no-till/strip till and cover crops are featured guests in a discussion on how to build soil health. The discussion will take place at the Cover Crop Seeding Field Day on September 13, hosted by Nicollet SWCD. Other proponents of sustainable farming practices will also speak, including Great River Greening staff member Susan Carlin. Carlin manages the Seven Mile Creek Watershed Partnership.Interseeding equipment will be on display. The National Resource Conservation Service of MN will also demonstrate its rainfall simulator, which shows the effects of rainfall on different soil management scenarios, including conventional till and minimum till.Cover Crop Seeding Field Day runs from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30, Thursday, September 13, at Oshawa Township Hall, 38711 State Hwy 99, St. Peter. This is a Sustainable Farming Association Soil Health Network activity and is free and open to all; no RSVP is required.


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