Field Day digs into the soil of Nicollet County
Friday, July 13
9 am- 5 pm
As part of "The Year of Soil," Great River Greening is hosting a Soil Tour, with partners, Gustavus Adolphus College and the Nicollet Farm Bureau.
All are welcome to join us as we explore questions like: What is soil health? What do soil conservation practices do?
Watershed partnership assisting tomorrow's leaders
A broad coalition of people, aligned with agriculture, recreation, conservation, urban/rural communities, education, and government entities, make up the The Seven Mile Creek Watershed Partnership. The group is reporting positive results: Landowners are coming forward to learn more and take real steps toward land management that has a positive impact on the environment.
Photo exhibit tells story of Watershed Partnership
Photographer Kay Herbst Helms’ exhibition of photographs tells the story of the Seven Mile Creek Watershed Partnership-a group of people who share a common interest in the health of the water in this particular watershed.
Sharing seven-mile science
7-Mile Creek Watershed Partnership has issued a report that utilizes data collected in recent years and historical information from the watershed.