Neighbors Come Together for Rain Garden Planting

Couple participates in rain garden planting, June 2012On Saturday, June 9, Great River Greening and the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) coordinated a rain garden planting day for residents of the Blair-Griggs neighborhood in the Midway Hamline area of Saint Paul. Over sixty rain gardens were planted by neighborhood residents and Great River Greening.Minnesota native plants used in the gardens included turtlehead, prairie dropseed, wild petunia, junegrass and Jacob's ladder.To improve water quality of lakes and the Mississippi River, the City of Saint Paul Public Works installed the boulevard rain gardens as part of the Blair-Griggs Residential Street Vitality Project (RSVP). Great River Greening provided planting help, advice, tools and watering assistance.Funding for the project was provided by CRWD and Saint Paul Public Works.For a Minnesota native plant list visit our Native Plant Communities page.


New Board Members - July 2012


MPCA Award Helps Launch Seven Mile Creek Program