Welcome Susan Carlin, Seven Mile Creek Manager

Great River Greening is pleased to announce Susie Carlin has joined our staff to lead the Seven Mile Creek Watershed Partnership, a longstanding coalition of 25+ agriculture, conservation, community, business, and government groups aimed at working with landowners to conserve and restore land and habitats, and to improve water quality.Susie has been a resident of St. Peter for a decade and is currently an elected City Council member. She brings an extensive portfolio of experience in land and water conservation, as well as community and organizational engagement.Previously, Susie served as a Program Director for the Minnesota River Board (MRB), where she was the primary liaison between watershed professionals and county commissioners, communicating land management effects in the river basin, and opportunities for change. Also in that role, she helped establish the Upstream-Downstream Friendship Tours, which brought farmers and urban residents to one another’s homes, fields, and businesses for honest discussions about the values of agriculture, environment, and economics."My family enjoys visiting and playing in the natural areas of Seven Mile Creek Watershed. I'm proud to have the opportunity to help protect and restore these resources and support the landowners who manage the land," said Susie.

"As MRB Program Director, Susie worked diligently to refute the notion that conservation efforts were at odds with the interests of the farming community. She is close to the people of St. Peter and comes to this position with an impressive skill set, which I believe will improve our Seven Mile Creek program and raise awareness of the good work that can be done throughout southern Minnesota."[grg_quote_name] - Steve Huckett, Great River Greening Conservation Programs Director[/grg_quote_name]

Great River Greening developed a community-based program with Nicollet SWCD beginning in 2012 to implement restoration activities in the Seven Mile Creek Watershed. Partners in the initiative included the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Fishers and Farmers Partnership, and Natural Resources Conservation Service, and others. The members have worked with the conviction that modern farming methods, a vibrant farm economy, and excellent water quality are all dependent on one another. The Seven Mile Creek Partnership has continuously strengthened, as relationships develop and interest in a comprehensive watershed program has matured. Susie will move that work forward and expand an already successful program.Susie Carlin holds a BS in Environmental Science.


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