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Utilizing our restoration sites for research

Sites Great River Greening volunteers have helped restore are being used for research in pollinators, forest ecology, and citizen engagement. For example, this fall, volunteers will be planting bur oak trees in Lindstrom, (10/29) for a climate resilience study in partnership with The University of Minnesota Center for Forest Ecology.

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2016, MCCorridor, support Great River Greening 2016, MCCorridor, support Great River Greening

Project Profile: Pilot Knob Hill

A place of gathering, peace, and now research; Pilot Knob Hill is a beautiful natural space in Mendota Heights and an important landmark in Minnesota. It not only holds great spiritual and cultural significance to the Dakota community, but has become a pilot site for many of Great River Greening’s projects and studies.

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MCCorridor, News, research Great River Greening MCCorridor, News, research Great River Greening

Making hay!

Great River Greening has been working in the South Washington Conservation Corridor (SWCC) since 2010 to restore 80 acres of natural greenway and public open space on the border of Woodbury and Cottage Grove. Research is a part of the restoration. In 2013, volunteers cast 120 different species of spring flowers and grasses, like prairie hay, to be mowed later for animal feed.

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